Enlite Care is a social care data management system for care providers.

Please visit our dedicated web site: Enlitecare.com

Enlite care allows control and organization of all service-user interactions with the organization, the community, the health system, and state agencies. It is specifically designed to help providers comply with HIQA requirements on reporting. It streamlines data access during state agency inspections with a flexible reporting system. The system is fully customisable and can cover for example:

  • Personal records (address, contacts.).
  • Medical records.
  • Personal support plans and care plans.
  • Personal goal and life planning assessment and follow through.
  • Permanent or temporary accommodation assignment.
  • Adverse events reporting through organisational work flows.
  • Day to day activities and events recording.
  • Clinical care management for clinicans

Enlite Care has a comprehensive access rule system which allows management to control staff access based on job roles, service user access and data relevance. User access is flexible and can be based on organisational role, location, but also service-user needs and specifications as well as service interactions between staff and service user.One of the main features is its event reporting system. Entirely customisable from the customer end, it provides a means to adapt itself to any organisational internal policy on adverse event reporting.